The Bell model 7TW was manufactured for various outlets by Bell Radio-Television Corporation Ltd in about 1961.

Other radios based on the same chassis:

7-transistor 9V battery mantle radio.

The cabinet appears to be identical to the one used by the UK radio company 'Ever Ready' in their Sky Baron model.

Chassis looks almost identical to the Bell Colt 'All Transistor'

Technical Information

Valves (7 transistors, 1 diode): Either: OC44, OC45, OC45, OA10, OC70, OC71, OC72, OC72
or: 2N412, 2N410, 2N410, Signal Diode, 2N406, 2N408, 2N408, 2N408
or: 2SA30, 2SA31, 2SA31, ?, 2SB32, 2SB33, 2SB33, 2SB33
Lineups to be confirmed, schematic is not clear

Intermediate Frequency: 475kc/s

Frequency Bands: 1

Chassis Notes(most schematics can be clicked to download a full size version)

1961 Bell 7TW

Other documented models using this chassis (2 in total)

1961 Bell Colt All Transistor