The Bell Musicale was manufactured for various outlets by Bell Radio-Television Corporation Ltd in about 1957.

Other radios based on the same chassis:

5-valve broadcast band tablegram with removable legs for freestanding operation and an automatic record changer.  

Bell Musicale
Auckland Star - 16 July 1959

Technical Information

Valves (5): ECH81, EBF89, EBC81, EL84, EZ80

Intermediate Frequency: 455kc/s

Frequency Bands: 1

Chassis Notes(most schematics can be clicked to download a full size version)

2 probable schematics found, clarification of the circuit would be appreciated.

1964 General Lee

1964 General Lee

Bell Musicale

Other documented models using this chassis (3 in total)

1962 General model Lee 'General Lee'
1962 Bell Musicale