The HMV Astoria was manufactured for His Master's Voice (New Zealand) Ltd in 1959. It was manufactured by various companies.

7 valve dual wave stereogram

Likely based on the Pye 7-valve dual wave 5-knob chassis but this is unconfirmed.

HMV Astoria 'Stereogram'
HMV Gramophone Record Club Magazine, Sept. '59

Technical Information

Valves (7): EF89, ECH81, EBF89, ECC82, ECL82, ECL82, EZ81

Intermediate Frequency: 455kc/s probably

Frequency Bands: 2

Chassis Notes(most schematics can be clicked to download a full size version)

Most likely this is the correct schematic, but if you have one of these we would love to confirm the details, please get in touch

HMV Astoria 'Stereogram'