The La Gloria Avon was manufactured for various outlets by Dominion Radio and Electrical Corporation Ltd in about 1961.

Other radios based on the same chassis:

8-valve dual-wave stereogram with TC-340 Collaro Conquest 4-speed automatic record changer

Walnut cabinet, twin 8" Rola speakers

1958 La Gloria Avon

Technical Information

Valves (8 + optional magic eye): EF89, ECH81, EF89, 6AV6, 6AV6, EL84, EL84, EZ80 and EM80 or EM81 Magic Eye (where fitted)

Intermediate Frequency: 465kc/s

Frequency Bands: 2

Chassis Notes(most schematics can be clicked to download a full size version)

This is most likely the service info for this set - DRECO service information for La Gloria sets is thin on the ground.  Please report back if you find any discrepancies between a real-world model and this schematic

1961 La Gloria Stereo Radiogram Schematic

Other documented models using this chassis (5 in total)

1961 La Gloria Countryman
1961 La Gloria Aristocrat 'Stereogram'
1961 La Gloria Ascot 'Stereogram'
1966 Lyric (sold by Beggs) DW Stereogram