The La Gloria Sprite was manufactured for various outlets by Dominion Radio and Electrical Corporation Ltd in about 1965.

Other radios based on the same chassis:

3-valve mantle radio.

Very similar to the La Gloria Elf and Majestic Herald, this model has a gram input to connect a record player, but appears otherwise to use the same cabinet and similar circuitry (with the same valve lineup) as the other two models. 

Note that this model uses a traditional metal chassis, not the printed circuit board of the Elf and Herald, and may actually pre-date those models rather than be an update.

Note this advert says 5-valve - although this cabinet has only been seen by the author with a 3-valve chassis.  They could mean 5-valve equivalent?

La Gloria Elf 2
Calder Mackay advert, Press, 8th Dec 1964 (p.10)

Technical Information

Valves (3): ECH81, EBF80, ECL82

Intermediate Frequency: 455kc/s probably

Frequency Bands: 1

Chassis Notes(most schematics can be clicked to download a full size version)

La Gloria Sprite

Other documented models using this chassis (2 in total)

1965 Majestic Debutante