The La Gloria Recordergram 3G was manufactured for various outlets by Dominion Radio and Electrical Corporation Ltd in 1957.

6-valve broadcast band radiogram with 6-valve reel-to-reel tape recorder.

3 speakers, mono.

Often seen advertised as a 12-valve radiogram, which is technically true but seems a little disingenuous.  The radio is a 6-valve, and the tape recorder is 5 plus magic eye.

The tape recorder is a Collaro mechanism with DRECO circuitry - details here.

Technical Information

Valves (6): EF89, ECH81, EF89, 6AV6 / 6AT6, 6BV7, EZ80

Intermediate Frequency: 455kc/s

Frequency Bands: 1

Chassis Notes(most schematics can be clicked to download a full size version)

1957 La Gloria Recordergram 3G