The Majestic M-Q16 was manufactured a currently unidentified retailer or retailers by Dominion Radio and Electrical Corporation Ltd in 1969.

12-transistor solid state stereogram

Note: The model code comes from the markings on the PCB - the actual model details are unknown

Technical Information

Valves (12 transistors): BF195, BF195, BF195, BF195,
[ BC149C, BC178A, (AC187, AC188) Output Pair] x2 (left and right channels) and two rectifier diodes

Intermediate Frequency: 455kc/s probably

Frequency Bands: 1

Chassis Notes(most schematics can be clicked to download a full size version)

Believed to be the correct service information for this model

Majestic M-Q16 'Solid State Stereogram'

Majestic M-Q16 'Solid State Stereogram'

Majestic M-Q16 'Solid State Stereogram'

Majestic M-Q16 'Solid State Stereogram'