The N.Z National Patriotic Fund Board NP513 was manufactured a currently unidentified retailer or retailers in 1943. It was manufactured by various companies.

5-valve broadcast band radio

Fantastic photos and details courtesy of the Auckland Museum, their page for this radio is here: https://www.aucklandmuseum.com/collection/object/am_humanhistory-object-848562 - Their work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.  Note: The photos are originals, apart from the closeup of the full rear of the set, which is a trimmed version of the full rear photo to show better detail.

A partial set (minus the tuner and speaker) is held by SJD of the NZVRS.

Technical Information

Valves (5): 7S7, 7B7, 7C6, 7C5, 6X5GT (probably)

Intermediate Frequency: 455kc/s probably

Frequency Bands: 1

Chassis Notes(most schematics can be clicked to download a full size version)

The 710B was (one of?) the last 5-valve BC Philcos from DRECO before the war, and the 515 / 515A was one of the first after it - between these two schematics you should have enough information to work on one of these - those sets are also both 455kc/s IF's so thats likely the IF for this one too (although it could come down to what they had or could get, given the war).