5 valve portable broadcast band radio
Most likely based on, if not fully, a B5 kitset from Inductance Specialists. Certainly contains 'Q' IF transformers from Inductance Specialists and the Q Portable is in the same cabinet. Also likely identical to the Radel 5 portable released as a project in the Radio and Electrical Review.
Radio and Electronics, December 1949
Radio and Electronics, November 1954
Intermediate Frequency: 455kc/s probably
Frequency Bands: 1
Chassis Notes(most schematics can be clicked to download a full size version)
This schematic is from the Jan 1950 edition of Radio and Electronics as a project and is called the Radel 5 - it looks the same as the Neeco and is likely pretty close / identical in design but should not be taken as exact.
This one is from the 1951-52 Lamphouse Annual and is noted as the 'Hi-Q 5-valve portable'.
Service information Super_Hi-Q_5-valve_portable_documentation.pdf