Other radios based on the same chassis:
5-valve broadcast band radio - very similar to the Philips 5V, and the same cabinet design (although different circuits / valves) as the Pacific and Courtenay 1934 5V models.
This was one of 4 known 1934 Radio Corp of NZ models in this style of case: the Pacific 105, the Courtenay Exponat, the Troubadour 5H and the Philips Radioplayer 5H. The Pacific and Courtenay models share the same chassis based on American valves, while the Troubadour and the Philips models use Philips valves and have similar, but slightly different chassis'.
Intermediate Frequency: 175kc/s
Frequency Bands: 1
1934 | Philips model 5V |
1934 | Philips model 5H |